Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 26th at 1p.m.

Thank you for those who have visited the gallery this past few weeks to catch the show.  PASSAGE BETWEEN TWO WORLDS is currently at the Aurora Cultural Centre until September 12th.  I am getting FB messages and emails that you have visited and I am glad to hear your feedback!

On August 26th, Wednesday at 1p.m. Erika and I will be at the gallery for our Art Talk/Performance.  So please save this date!

We will have the opportunity to talk about our journey through 2 years of preparing for this show, our individual pieces, its inspiration and vision.  It will be a great day to learn about our process, the struggles and realizations of achieving what we wanted to express.

Our Art Performance will be an interactive performance inviting everyone present to participate.  It will be a fun way to explore our irrational fears and a good way to face it and find a way to overcome!

As landed immigrants in a new country, both Erika and I shared a lot of experiences where we had to overcome our fears.  Leaving our birth home to move to a strange land and learn a new culture could be scary at times, but we took a leap of faith and succeeded.  

We will be inviting everyone present to add their irrational fears to our poster, which is currently displayed on the blue wall at the gallery.  This poster contains collected fears from the public from the start of the exhibition. It will be fun to see how the poster has grown!

Hope to see you on August 26th at 1p.m.


Facing Fears Board