Ahh yessss, September. The month when almost everyone goes back to school, hit the books and life settles to a routine. Somehow this is the time when not only those in the school system goes back to work, but also a time when galleries offer new courses and exhibits, community centres offer new programs and reopen existing ones and fall art shows line up every weekend!! Such is a busy time and a creative time!!
My classes will start this month, with new contracts with Oshawa Northview Centre and Whitby Recreation seniors centre, not to mention the come back of my classes at Visual Arts Centre in Clarington and workshops at my own SweetArt Studio.
I am pleased to invite you to attend a few group events I will be participating with. The first is SPACE INVADERS in Oshawa http://www.oshawaspaceinvaders.com/ from Sept. 19-27. My work is included with selected Oshawa art association artists' and will be at Cocoa & Joes, located at Simcoe Street. Come out on the 19th when most downtown streets in Oshawa will be closed to allow people to visit spaces we have invaded! Bands, Street Art, Tapas with participating eateries and a wide variety of Contemporary Art work will surround the city!
The second event, is with Cultural Expressions Art Gallery presenting their 2nd annual Black and White show at Pickering Village, Ajax on Sept. 21st and will run until October 18. Will participate in this show, where only black and white colours where used to create stunning works of art. http://www.culturalexpressions.ca/
Hope to see you around!